Social Ministries at Pilgrim

"Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves...Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality." - Romans 12, vv. 10&13.

 One of Pilgrim Lutheran’s core missions is to extend help and Christian compassion to persons in need throughout our community, the Greater Washington area, the United States, and abroad.  Pilgrim provides many opportunities to serve others through relationships with social agencies in the surrounding community as well as far-reaching organizations worldwide.


Nehemiah Project

This year, we are continuing with our “Nehemiah Project.” This was inspired by the story of Nehemiah, cupbearer of King Artaxerxes I (Nehemiah 1:11), who received the king’s permission to help rebuild the city of Jerusalem and its fortifications. Nehemiah mobilized the people of Jerusalem to repair and fortify the wall and gates, and was appointed their governor. During his time as governor, he decided to forego the food and land allotted to him due to his office, because he wanted these resources to go to the people of his province (Nehemiah 5:14–19). He also required the other nobles and officials to forgive the outstanding debts of the people, as well as to return all land and money that had been taken as taxes. This generosity allowed the people of Jerusalem to feed themselves and their families.

For our Nehemiah Project, we are choosing one organization, charity, or cause to support each month.

We are now in our fifth year of the Nehemiah Project program. Our Nehemiah Project for January was in support of The Ivy Mount School, an expert local special education institution. For February, our Nehemiah Project benefited those in California served by the American Red Cross after the multiple devastating rainstorms. Our March Nehemiah Project supported Lutheran World Relief's Turkey and Syria earthquake efforts. In April, donations went towards a scholarship for our graduating high school seniors. Our May Nehemiah Project was in support of tornado victims in Mississippi and Alabama through the LCMS World Relief and Human Care. For June, we supported Orphan Grain Train (OGT), a Christian volunteer network that ships needed items to 69 countries including the US and Ukraine. Our July/August Nehemiah Project supported the Lutheran Hour Ministries. For September, all donations went towards helping Maui, Hawaii rebuild following the devastation from the recent natural disasters. Our October Nehemiah project was in support of Pilgrim’s annual Food Drive. All donations from the November Nehemiah Project went to Mid-Atlantic Lutherans in Mission's Thank Offering to honor Deaconess Sally Hiller. In December, donations went towards supplies for Bethesda Cares. January donations supplemented the generous gift from the Nordquists to re-carpet the church. In February and March, donations went towards improving and enhancing Pilgrim’s livestream capabilities. In April, we supported the Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area (LSSNCA). For May, we supported those affected by the Baltimore bridge collapse through our LCMS Southeastern District’s Disaster Response and Recovery project. In June, our donations supported Steps of Hope - Guatemala. In July and August, donations went towards Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area. Our September Nehemiah Project supported Lutheran Mission Society - Compassion Place, whose mission is to bring health and wholeness to people through the love and compassion of Jesus Christ. For the month of October, we accepted donations for our Annual Food Drive on October 19. Our November project was in support of Lutheran World Relief’s (LWR) Hurricane Match for victims of Hurricane Helene in the Southeast. In December, we held a sock drive for Bethesda Cares.

There are several ways to contribute. You may use your designated Nehemiah Project offering envelope, send a check to Pilgrim (with Nehemiah Project on the memo line), or click the yellow "Donate" button below to contribute via PayPal or credit card.

Check back each month to see what organization, charity, or cause we will be focusing on.

Martha’s Table


Pilgrim has a longstanding relationship with Martha’s Table, a wonderful local organization that supports children, families, and our community through increased access to high-quality education, healthy food, and family and community supports.

Our youth regularly makes trail mix for Martha’s Table and/or sandwiches for “McKenna’s Wagon,” their daily mobile food truck. We also donate food to Martha’s Table on an ongoing basis.

For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.’ - Deuteronomy 15: 11 

Wycliffe Ministry

For nearly two decades, Pilgrim has supported the Wycliffe Ministry of Lynn and David Frank. Since 1982, the Franks have facilitated the translation of the Bible into numerous languages, including Saint Lucian Creole (New Testament) and Gullah (New Testament). They are currently serving as Bible translation consultants in Nigeria and the West African country of Guinea-Bissau. Visit their website to donate or learn more about the Wycliffe mission.

Clothing and Food Drives

We participate in ongoing clothing and food drives for local organizations such as Bethesda Cares and Martha’s Table. For example, in the winter, we partner with Bethesda Cares and area church workers to hand out blankets, hand and foot warmers, socks, and other clothing and toiletry items to those who are homeless in our community.

"And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased." – Hebrews 13:16


Pastor Josh, Pilgrim members, and area pastors and church workers serving alongside Bethesda Cares to hand out blankets, hand and foot warmers, and socks to the homeless people in our area. Although the wind chills dropped below zero that night, the volunteers all served with glad and willing hearts!

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Throughout the Christmas season, we displayed a "mitten tree" in our Fellowship Hall where members and visitors donated items for those most vulnerable in our community.

Our Pilgrim President dropping off donations of warm clothing to Bethesda Cares.